This library implements a stream similar to boost::asio::ssl::stream. Basic knowledge of boost::asio is expected as this documentation mainly deals with the specifics of this library.
Setting up a context¶
Client usage¶
A context
is required for
holding certificates and for setting options like which TLS versions
to support.
To construct a context using the operating system default methods:
#include <wintls.hpp>
wintls::context ctx(wintls::method::system_default);
While that is all which is required to construct a context for
client-side operations, most users would at least want to enable
certificate validation with context::verify_server_certificate()
in addition to either using the standard operating system certificates
with context::use_default_certificates()
or providing
certificates with context::add_certificate_authority()
For example, initializing a context which will use the certificates provided by the operating system and verify the server certificate, would look something like:
#include <wintls.hpp>
wintls::context ctx(wintls::method::system_default);
Server usage¶
When creating a context for server usage, a certificate is required as
well as private key. Unlike OpenSSL Windows has the concept of a
certificate with an associated private key that must be available to
the process or user running the server process. Such a certificate can
be used using context::use_certificate()
This library provides functions for helping interact with standard key and certificate formats used by OpenSSL as demonstrated in the examples.
Initializing a stream¶
Assuming an underlying TCP stream, once the context has been setup
a stream
can be constructed like:
wintls::stream<ip::tcp::socket> my_stream(my_io_service, ctx);
In the case of a TCP stream, the underlying stream needs to be
connected before it can be used. To access the underlying stream use
the stream::next_layer()
member function.
Before a TLS stream can be used, a handshake needs to be performed, either as a server or a client. Similar to the rest of the boost::asio functions both a synchronous and asynchronous version exists.
When performing a handshake as a client, it is often required to
include the hostname of the server in the handshake with
Performing a synchronous handshake as a client might look like:
Similar to the boost::asio functions, this library provides overloads for accepting a boost::system::error_codes.
Using the stream¶
Once the stream has been constructed and a successful handshake has been done it can be used with all the usual operations provided by the boost::asio library.
Most users would probably not use the member functions on the stream
like stream::read_some()
directly but instead use boost::asio
functions like boost::asio::write or boost::asio::async_read_until.
Please see the examples for full examples on how this library can be used.